Glycolax 英语

【INSPIRE】 Glycolax RM83

MAL NO= 20014142 T
Produced = Malaysian Badaling Pharmaceutical Factory

Visceral range = large and small intestine, kidney, bladder
Direct recovery of visceral function = absorb water, absorb nutrients, directly solve various diseases caused by viscera

For example =
1) Large intestine = constipation, bloating, moisture absorption
2) Small intestine = absorption of nutrients, development, bones
3) Moisture = restore skin smoothness, remove skin wrinkles, dry and dull
4) Bladder = frequent urination, painful urination, prostate problems, male erection problems
5) Kidney = low back pain, weak feet, urinary foam, urine poisoning, kidney dialysis

How to take = 4 capsules in the morning, once a day, drink plenty of water (3000ml),
Herbs will help the large intestine absorb water into the skin and kidneys

The effect of eating this "Qingchang Hushui Dan" is =
In 5 or 6 days, I can see that my fine lines disappear a lot, my skin is much smoother, and my back pain is gone,
Frequent urination begins to improve,
Roughly a month of inspection, you can see that the spermatozoa are much more active, and the problems of people who have difficulty urinating or have prostate problems are disappearing. .

The root principle of visceral herbs is to restore all functions of internal organs, and use your internal organs to treat all problems.

